
Users need permission to withdraw electronically surveilled objects from the EAGLE assembly. Profiles is were different permission rules are set.

Profiles can be seen as the bridge between individuals and electronically monitored objects. 

How to

Create profiles

1. Go to administrate and select profiles .

2. Click on + to create a new profile.

3. Select the profile type. 

A Permission profile gives users access to objects. By connecting the permission profile, you can choose which individual (or group) can use what object (or group).

1. Add a profile description. 

2. If there is any other information, you can write it in general information.

3. Set from and to when the permission is active.

Save before you continue.

An activity is a task that needs to be performed, like a round or patrol. The activity profile functions in relation to date rules, which means that the activity should be performed between the times set in the date rule. 

1. Add description.

2. Select activity type.

There are two different types of activities alarm and work orders. The difference between the two is that alarm can be automatically triggered from an external system. 

3. Add an External ID that will trigger the activity. 

In Assembly parameter HandleActivityLogin you can set if the activity should be triggered manually, automatically or both. (Manual trigger is when the EAGLE user enters the External ID in the Assembly.

4. Add instructions that will be shown in the EAGLE Assembly.

5. Add when the profile should be active.

Who should perform the activity and with what object is set by connecting individuals and objects to the profile.

Save before you continue. 

Double login is used to enhance security. To withdraw objects, two separate individuals needs to login in to the EAGLE assembly. 

1. Add a profile description. 

2. If there is any other information, you can write it in general information.

3. Set from and to when the profile is active.

Save before you continue.

With only access to objects, individuals don’t have the ability to do or see anything else in the EAGLE monitor. This profile should be used instead of the ordinary permission profile.

1. Add a profile description. 

2. If there is any other information, you can write it in general information.

3. Set from and to when the profile is active.

Save before you continue.

With this profile you can create an exception from external conditions, for example alcohol lock.

1. Add a profile description. 

2. If there is any other information, you can write it in general information.

3. Set from and to when the profile is active.

Save before you continue.

With this profile you can block users that repeatedly cause deviations. By connecting events, you can choose what type of violation that will trigger the blocking.

1. Add a profile description. 

2. If there is any other information, you can write it in general information.

3. Set from and to when the profile is active.

Save before you continue.

1. Add organizational belonging .

Save before you continue.

1. Connect the profile to date rules .

Save before you continue.

Events can only be connected when using the Block user on reoccurring violations profile.

1. Choose one, multiple or all events that will block a user.

Save. Now you have created a profile.


Use a profile nomeclature

To make it easier when administrating and searching among profiles you could use a nomenclature when naming the profiles. A nomenclature that is commonly used is: 


For example could a permission rule for caretakers in the western region be registered as:


Abbreviation of profiles


The positions will light up

When the alarm goes off it is important that everything goes as fast as possible. By creating an activity profile with an external trigger, the EAGLE assembly will light up the positions for fast access to the keys together with listing the objects in the monitor.