Objects are the things that you want to monitor and handle, like key bunches. Objects can be electronically surveilled or manually handled in AXSOR.
The handling of the objects is possible to follow-up and analyse in events.
1. Go to Administrate in the right corner menu and choose Objects
2. To add a new object click on the +.
3. Name the object by adding a description.
4. You can also add an object category. Categories can be created in settings.
1. Set if the object should be monitored electronically.
2. Add the Assembly-ID (the number of the key assembly).
3. Choose the identity carrier position, where in the assembly the object is placed.
4. Add the Pagination-ID that can be found on the key ring (which is unique for each key ring).
5. Link objects to groups . You can create a new group by clicking +.
1. Connect sub items (the individual keys that are on the the key bunch). You can also create new sub items by clicking +.
1. Choose the organizational belonging.
In the more tab you can:
Make it easier to administrate permissions with groups.
It is possible to book objects from the individuals, objects and assembly view, as well as in reservations.
1. Click on reservation for the object that you want to book.
2. The object will then be added to a reservation.
3. Set from when the object should be booked and when it should be back.
4. Toggle the options that you want. If the booking should be inactive after the object is returned, turn the toggle on.
1. If you have multiple assemblies you can filter objects based on EAGLE.
2. Choose objects if you want to add more object, or change to another object, and then disconnect the initially chosen one.
1. Turn on the toggle to allow EAGLE login.
2. Choose individuals.
3. Add which organization it regards.
Save and close.
1. Click on in the right corner of the menu.
2. Choose Import template .
3. Select the fields for import. For more alternatives, create custom fields in settings.
4. Click save and a Excel file will be downloaded.
5. Open the Excel file and insert the user information in created columns.
6. Now click on Import in AXSOR.
7. Drag and drop the Excel file in the pop-up box.
8. Your entities will now be imported.
Now you just have to make the connections!
When creating new Objects a template can be used to automatically fill in chosen fields.
Create the possibility to add company-specific response fields that aren’t default.
Create and edit object categories that can be selected in the general tab (for example car keys and master keys).
Register and edit colors for badges to use as further form of categorization.
Make inventories of sub items that are connected to objects, to guarantee their physical presence.
Set the default sorting for the list view.