
The message function allows you to receive alerts about issues that don’t comply with set rules and parameters, without needing to log into AXSOR.

Messages can be sent as emails and/or SMS for the events information risk, warning and alarm.


Four types of event messages

Information event messages informs recipients of normal events.

Risk event messages informs recipients of an abnormality, but that isn’t seen as a safety threat.

Warning event messages informs recipients of event that can lead to threats.

Alarm event messages informs recipient of something hazardous that has happened.

How to

Create messages

1. Before creating any messages, the settings for email, sms and/or custom messages need to be set.

2. Go to handle and select messages .

3. Click on + to add a new message.


1. Name the message in description.

2. Choose if the message should be a sms, email or custom message.

3. The “Interval in minutes” field sets the time that must pass before an email or sms is sent. All messages during this time will be collected and sent together in one message.

4. Choose individual .

5. Toggle on if it should only be sent to event trigger or also the individuals company and owner of sub items.

1. Add the message subject

2. Write the message. Use the tags, which will be replace with real data once the message is created. (Hover over the tags in AXSOR for more information.)

3. Choose language.

1. Select the event that should trigger the message. Choose between:

  • Information
  • Risk
  • Warning
  • Alarm

2. Select event category. Choose between events regarding:

  • Objects
  • Assemblies or AXSOR
  • Internal monitoring
  • UPS

3. Select type of event. Different options will appear depending on previous choices.

Save to continue.

1. Select the entities that the event should trigger for.

The available entities are determined by the event. It is therefore not possible to use triggers that are irrelevant for the event.

As shown in the image, events will be triggered by three groups of individuals, as well as one group of objects.

1. Add date rules if you want to limit the triggering time to specific days or time of day.

1. Add which organizations that the triggering entity  must belong to in order for the message to be sent.

1. Select which organizations that the message itself belongs to in order to limit who can see and/or edit the message.

Done! Save and close.



Notify before the deadline

A user should return their keys at 12 pm. You as an administrator want to give them a heads up and notify them 30 minutes before the deadline. You also want to create an alarm 30 minutes after the deadline, if the objects aren’t returned yet.

In deviations (can be found in settings for alarms and events) you can set so that an warning (or an alarm) can be triggered before the event has happened, by using a negative “delay time for warning”, like -30.
