Turn on warning and alarms for specific entity objects.
Further settings that helps you customize the system.
Set the default sorting for the list view.
Create a warning when a user fails to log in.
Default setting: Off (0)
Set the time (number of seconds) from which the assembly is considered inactive after losing connection to the server.
Default setting: 300 sec
Set delay time for alarms when keys are not used.
How frequently (in seconds) objects are checked for “key not used” alarms. (0 = Alarm not generated)
Automatically filter away events that are handled by the SRFilter.
Default setting: On
Create a warning (number of days) before password expires.
Default setting: 10 days
Filter away objects that are placed/withdrawn within set seconds.
Default setting: 2 sec
Create a warning (number of days) before individual turns inactive
Default setting: 10 days
Turn on manual user removal.